Saturday, May 8, 2010
Marmaduke: No, you won't. I'll go and apologize.

Mark Trail: A rabbit darts from under the shed and Sassy excitedly gives chase.

Dennis the Menace: Wow, Dad! Do your "golf words" work on the mower, too?

Friday, May 7, 2010
Mark Trail: Sassy, don't be such a SISSY.

Herb & Jamaal: Oh, man, I just found a gray hair!

Family Circus: No way did I do it. I can draw a lot better than that!

Dennis the Menace: If you're the boss of the house, how come you hafta play cards in the basement.

Dennis can be seen here rubbing salt in the festering sore that is Henry's life.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Family Circus: I left my shirt untucked so I don't need a napkin.

Garfield: Why do I even bother to keep myself up?

Mark Trail: There's nothing to it, and it will make you smell pretty!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Family Circus: No, but how 'bout we play Hide-and-DON'T-Seek.
Boffo: A big part of the reason Picasso always had a hard time keeping studio partners

It would also appear that Martin loves all of my least favorite tropes, as this comic contains the always hilarious (false) premise that abstract art isn't real art.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Family Circus: We're makin' Mother's Day cards at school! But we're not to tell a soul, 'cause it's a secret!
Buckles: I'm safe from that vacuum here!

*Not really!
Ziggy: The businessman's lunch is just like the regular lunch, sir ... except that the government eats half of it!

In fairness, though, this cartoon raises an important point. Given his druthers, a businessman would obviously share half of his meal with other people. This is called "trickle-down nutrition." But because the government steals that half of his meal, he's forced to keep all of his remaining food for himself. And so we see, because of this confiscatory socialist action, everybody but the businessman starves. Until eventually there's nobody left to prepare the businessman's food. And so then the businessman starves too. And so then everybody's dead.
This is a perfect metaphor for economics.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Family Circus: How many one-of-a-kinds are there?

I can't say for certain, but I sure hope it is.
Dennis the Menace: Hot Dog's not as big as Ruff, but he's a lot harder to give a bath!"

Sunday, May 2, 2010
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