There are certainly things to complain about in 9 Chickweed Lane--hand fucking, interminable Nazi love triangles*, whatever the fuck this shit is--but its casual inclusion of gay characters is definitely not one of them.
*And I see the Nazi love triangle has finally come to some sort of conclusion during my hiatus. I wonder if I should go back and find out what happ--nope, still don't care.
If Mort Walker Inc. wanted to turn Beetle Bailey into an ulta-violent, Itchy and Scratchy type cartoon in which Beetle hides a bomb in Sarge's food everyday, I would be pretty OK with that.
What are these sexy shenanigans doing in the Elrodverse? Go away for a couple a months andwhen you come back, it's nothing but scantily-clad temptresses and clearly aroused moose.
This is a blog about comic strips that combines a healthy dose of Internet snark with hopefully cogent and in-depth analysis. We'll see how that last part goes.