I think we all know why Adam bought that authentic replica ringmaster costume, and Laura will soon enough. If they're really creative, maybe they'll find a way to incorporate the glow stick and the pony, too.
I think I'm beginning to regret writing this post, actually.
This is actually another good example of using Twitter to tell a joke about something else, which in this case is the uncoolness of Sally and her friends.
Mostly, though, this post exists because The Clash falls under The Vonnegut Axiom, such that any reference to said band will be considered worthy of an entry on this blog.
Lots of comics have been making jokes about Twitter lately, and they've mostly been lame. What sets this xkcd apart is that it's not so much about Twitter as it is about swine flu. Which is to say, most of the comics have been using Twitter as a joke in and of itself, whereas this cartoon is using Twitter as a vehicle for a joke about something else. It works much better.
Sarge is not impressed by Beetle's act of charity. And why would he be, after all? It's not as though walking for the needy is any more inherently noble than mindlessly following orders and walking for no good reason.
I don't have a whole lot to say about this other than that it's undoubtedly true, but whenever a comic strip references Kurt Vonnegut, it's getting an entry on this blog.
There is no teenage male on the face of the planet who would say "Hold it, boys!" to his friends. It sounds like Lois's dialogue, not Chip's. Bad writing, that.
This is a blog about comic strips that combines a healthy dose of Internet snark with hopefully cogent and in-depth analysis. We'll see how that last part goes.