Saturday, July 11, 2009
Over the Hedge: Mom, Dad...there is no movie money.

Frazz: PAS-TIS. That's a weird vanity plate.
9 Chickweed Lane: It would involve our skinny-dipping shoulder deep in a lake and kissing ardently.
Momma: See? I begged you to learn long division.
Friday, July 10, 2009
In the Bleachers: I love sniffing the mitt. It smells just like us!
Family Circus: I don't think these Brussels sprouts have sprouted enough.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Blondie: Just because it worked for three weeks straight doesn't mean we were born yesterday!
Pluggers: If you're married, with kids, and seldom have more than $3 in your wallet, you're a plugger.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Mark Trail: Are you sure your borther will be here?

This comic is also hilarious because CEO lady is trying to whore herself out to a guy who finds squirrel butts far more appealing than human vaginae.
Marmaduke: Marm! Your help isn't helping!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Family Circus: They oughta give us an extra day of vacation for every day it rains.

This does not, however, change the fact that the drawing in this cartoon is really, really bad. If you don't see it already, take a piece of paper or something, cover Billy's head and marvel that his backside looks just like the frontside of a slouching middle-aged man with a pot belly.
Beetle Bailey: Now I see what you meant, Sarge, but I think a "Double Dagwood" is over-doing it!
Dog Eat Doug: Suddenly a Romulan Warbird decloaks...
Monday, July 6, 2009
Red and Rover: No, I like boys. I like boys a lot.

Family Circus: The best way to get a grown-up to listen to you is to whisper in their ear.

Luann: Tiffany's going to the pool with Quill. You guys wanna go?

As helpful as it can be when reading the strips on a daily basis, it can be a pretty substantial hindrance to the narrative flow when reading them in a collection. It's an especially big problem when the plot rehashes are as clunky as the one in the Luann comic above.
Marmaduke: He believes you can never have too many shoes.
Monty: Suddenly this episode of Battlestar Galactica looks like an old "Laurel and Hardy" movie...
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Family Circus: Here's a good spot!

Next time in The Family Circus: Jeffy gets his head bitten off by a giant ant while the rest of the family pretends to care.
Get Fuzzy: Folk! You folk, buddy!

This specificity carries over into the dialog. Get Fuzzy is one of those rare comics in which the characters actually speak differently from one another. Rob speaks like a reformed slacker. Satchel stammers and puts his sentences together slowly. Bucky, meanwhile, puts his sentences together too quickly for his mind and, as a result, often says things that make no sense.
This is what informs the comic's unique construction. The funniest jokes in Get Fuzzy tend to fall in the middle, in the back and forth between the characters. "Well that totally techno-ed" is a pretty decent punchline, but the third-to-final panel is funnier.
All of which is to say, the foundation of any given installment of Get Fuzzy is almost always going to be characterization. And that's why the comic is so good in general.
Get Fuzzy,
BC: Anyone for a Bar-B-Que?
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