Saturday, August 1, 2009
Curtis: I enjoy scripted shows with real actors! Today's fare is a bunch of kids on ugh "reality" or "comptetition" crapola!

Family Circus: How much longer till it gets dark, Mommy?

In short, the Keane family is doomed.
*This, of course, is all a story he has made up in his mind to justify his perverse and violent urges. He is not a werewolf. Rather, he is just an ordinary, run-of-the-mill serial killer. Someday, perhaps he will be able to face the truth. But not tonight. Definitely not tonight.
Shoe: That's how long I had to wait in line to buy them.
Adam at Home: $10 in tax??? That's an outrage!

Friday, July 31, 2009
Beetle Bailey and The Born Loser: Bleep Bleep Bleep!

*Beetle Bailey comic from 7-30-09. But it has used this joke at least two other times within the last month or so.
Beetle Bailey,
Born Loser,
Family Circus,
Meta Humor,
Family Circus: I TOOK a bath before we came!
Ziggy: This is a very routine operation--why don't you climb up on the desk...and we'll get it over with!

Mark Trail: Mark, you look upset...What's going on?

But you too can attain this skill, female-things! You need only abdicate every personal goal you've ever had and instead focus all of your attention on keeping house, staying attractive for passionless sex in dark rooms, and differentiating between your husband's nearly identical facial expressions as Cherry has done. Only then will you be able to live truly fulfilling lives, women-objects.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Family Circus: If anyone gets lost, just follow the first ant you see and I'm sure he'll bring you back here!

Mark Trail: He can help me track the shooter!
Fortunately, every once in a while Jack Elrod takes the time to remind readers that Mark is not just a crazy man who constantly recites wooden monologues. No, he is a man with a magic talking forehead. And suddenly the world of Lost Forest is illuminated, and we are no longer confused.
Pearls Before Swine: Hullo. Dis Pressydent of Uniteed State.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Luann: Don't you think that outfit's a bit demeaning?

Candorville: What?

Of course, Doonesbury has built up an entire world, while Candorville has about three good characters to work with. But that means it has about three more good characters than do all of the other political comics combined.
Pickles: I used to be good at jump rope.
Family Circus: I'll take that. It's our first-aid equipment!

Considering the intensity of his immaturity, I am not surprised by this.
Wizard of Id: SMAK!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Family Circus: Which is this, Daddy--a woods, a forest or a jungle?

The cartoon is hilarious, meanwhile, because there's no way in hell the rest of Billy's idiot family understands his point, and this scene was no doubt followed by Thel turning around and slapping him across the face.
The Grizzwells: The one on the right is Spanky.
Luann: Well?
Mark Trail: I doubt that they wanted to kill him...he wouldn't be any good to them dead!
As to Mark's claim that "the shooter could very easily have killed him if he wanted to," this seems unlikely and overly modest. After all, Mark was standing right there. The shooter may have managed to get one shot by him, but there was no way he was going to get another one off without Mark catching the bullet in his hand and throwing it back at the shooter with such force and accuracy that the shooter would stand no chance of surviving.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Ziggy: Oh, boy--talk about shooting fish in a barrel!
The Flying McCoys: Stand back, son. I think Rex has rabbis.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Family Circus: ...

Family Tree: MO-OM! This is IM-POR-TANT!
Beetle Bailey: What's going on in here?
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