Saturday, July 25, 2009
Luann: Ah. And judging from the grass on your back, I'd say the patient is feeling better.

Get Fuzzy: That's heresay. Not admissible.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Kathy. Ack: What actually goes on behind my face when I'm being fucked?
Hi and Lois, Betty and Daddy's Home: I'm a kid of Camp Runamucca...

- Going to a camp with a ridiculous name.
- Having enormous counselors make them do stuff they don't want to do.
- Singing stupid songs.
- Not understanding old-fashioned games because their minds have been poisoned by teh modern technology.
Baby Blues: The tolerance of pain is in direct proportion to the proximity of the mom.

Barney Google and Snuffy Smith: Ladies, gitta oad of Mister Dreamy, th' new choir director!!
Ziggy: ...You weren't kidding. It DID freeze!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Family Circus: Mommy, what does #@X*&! spell?
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Prickly City: By dreaming big we just might overcome how small we can be.
Herman: I know it's a dog license! He was driving.

In which case, this is his likely future.
Family Circus: Barfy and Sam are lucky. Bo Obama can't go anywhere without a secret service dog.
Moderately Confused: I used to yearn to be hip...Now I yearn for a new hip.
Lola: No bubbles like that in the pool on my watch, mister.

Pluggers: A plugger earns his ice cream the old-fashioned way...he churns it.

Garfield: We're bachelors, baby.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Pluggers: Plugger moms lead well-balanced lives.

The life of the female plugger, meanwhile, is just a little worse. You are responsible for the care of your husband's brood of children. You have to exercise yourself ragged so you can still fulfill your husband's sexual cravings. You have to fix all the food for your family with substandard kitchen appliances. And, in general, you have to live on a meager budget because you are forbidden from working outside the home, while your husband works at a non-unionized (because unions are evil) blue-collar job in a dying industry but votes for politicians who support policies that increase the nation's economic inequality (because that's just the common sense thing to do).
Monday, July 20, 2009
Family Circus: These are some of my dad's drawings. We call it "POP art".

In fact, I can only assume that Billy, though pretending to be friends with the token black kid, is instead simply trying to lure him into his cult as the first non-Keane-child member. Puns are probably not the best way to do this, of course, but Billy's still learning. Soon he'll break out one of those aphorisms, and token black kid will be putty in Billy's pudgy little hands.
Prickly City: It's been 40 years. Isn't it time to go back and leave some more?!?

Sunday, July 19, 2009
Rose is Rose: You're in for a true culinary experience, Mr. Drain Monster!

So, really, I would have liked this comic better if the monster had broken loose from the drain and eaten the entire family. Preferably in as shockingly gruesome detail as possible.
Family Circus and Red and Rover: How's your book?

And further proof that Red and Rover relies on the same type of humor as The Family Circus:

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