Saturday, June 27, 2009
Working Daze: Sure, right after I finish my vacation.

Family Circus:...forgive those who trespass against us. And leave us ninety-two temptations...
Mark Trail: Mr. Trail, please, I'll have my brother meet with us tomorrow!

I can only hope that the second panel is an attempt at metaphorical foreshadowing in which Mark is the worm and CEO lady is the mother bird, and this so-called dinner is in fact a nefarious plot to lure Mark out to some remote location, murder him, dismember him, and feed his various parts to coyotes.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Mark Trail: If you don't mind, I'll wait!
Pluggers and One Big Happy: What's an outhouse? What's a couch-potato? What's a mother-in-law?

The One Big Happy strip below is actually a send-up of mother-in-law jokes. So it's okay.

Monty: Mr. Crumpet, I command you...Eviscerate! Eviscerate!

- That the dog is scared of the cat.
- That the dog is a shih tzu named Mr. Crumpet.
- That the dog's bow is identical to Master Sedgwick's bow tie.
- Eviscerate! Eviscerate!
- Disembowel! Disembowel!
- That the dog drinks kiwi-lemonade.
- That the dog drank too much kiwi-lemonade.
- That the dog is actually peeing in the third panel.
In the Bleachers: Uh-oh. They're bringing in the closer to secure the win.
Family Circus: I CAN'T act my age if I don't know how my age is s'posed to act.

Thursday, June 25, 2009
Pearls Before Swine: I've started studying rocks. This is my collection.
Adam @ Home and Arlo and Janis: I need to get you some new trunks.

While I'm not a huge fan of Arlo and Janis, I've got to at least give it credit for not falling into this particular trap. Speaking of Arlo and Janis, in today's installment we again see a silent (though not penultimate) panel used effectively. So suck on that, silent panel haters.

Hagar the Horrible: Here you are--ice cream, chocolate syrup, whipped cream, and a cherry!

And so I attack a lot of hot fudge sundaes around here. This is a very mean-spirited blog, on which I write a lot of awful things about the work of people I've never met, perhaps in an effort to redirect my frustration from my own inability to produce anything better. It is almost certainly preposterous. But so it goes, I guess. Because the thing of it is, attacking hot fudge sundaes is kind of fun.
Besides, who's to say a bad hot fudge sundae shouldn't be attacked, preposterous or not? If I were to produce even something as mundane as the above Hagar the Horrible, let alone as unspeakably hackish as this piece of crap, I would expect it to be attacked. Indeed, I'd almost be disappointed if it weren't. What good is an audience if it isn't demanding?
Family Circus: Happy times get even happier when they're shared.
Doonesbury: And this is you in high-def.

Pluggers: A plugger's workout actually involves work.

(Of course, there are a few pluggers who jog, but they only do that because they're women who have to remain sexually attractive for their grossly overweight husbands.)
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Prickly City: Could...you...please...pass...the...salt?

Except for two things. First, while I wasn't a big fan of them, Trudeau's jabs at least had some basis in reality. Bush really wasn't a great orator. Sure, there's something to be said for the way he was able to reduce complex issues to simplistic, easy to digest sound bites. This wasn't necessarily a good thing in terms of intelligent discourse, but it was nonetheless a very effective rhetorical tactic. That said, he had a distinctive and repeatedly demonstrated tendency to mangle language. The Obama-TelePrompTer thing, on the other hand, originated from a single Weekly Standard writer recounting an apparently not so great speech and really picked up steam with a report regarding an incident in Ireland. That Ireland report has since been convincingly debunked. And in the meantime Obama has spoken just fine without a TelePrompTer many times.
Second, even if that report hadn't been debunked, it would nevertheless remain a story that happened a long time ago that only gets talked about, and only really ever got talked about, in the far-right echo chamber. Making it somewhat obscure--far more obscure than Bushisms, which were omnipresent in the popular culture.
Not that there's anything necessarily wrong with obscurity. People generally use obscure references as markers to identify themselves as part of a group of like-minded individuals. In my Twitter feed this morning, for example, I referenced The Dirty Projectors, which is a band that, while not exceedingly unknown (such as, say, The Indelicates), is also not exceedingly well-known. By doing so, I indicated that I was a member of a certain crowd of folks who like the sort of music The Dirty Projectors make.
Likewise, Prickly City's reference to this far-right talking point acts as a marker identifying itself as a cartoon for the segment of the population that actually cares about this talking point. Which is fine, if that's what the cartoonist actually meant for his cartoon to convey. I'm not actually sure Scott Stantis meant to do that, though. While Stantis clearly prides himself on writing a conservative-leaning comic strip, I assume that he's also trying to write for the audience at large. If so, confusing the fuck out of everybody not a part of the Michelle Malkin fan club is probably not the way to do it.
Family Circus: When does PJ stop bein' a toddler and turn into a little boy?

I never thought I'd write this and mean it, but well done, Keane Inc. Well done.
Doonesbury: Hold on. I'm mid-tweet.

Specifically, in this strip here, we see Roland Hedley using it in a way that suggests he is an arrogant, superficial ass. Hedley was an ass long before Twitter, of course, but Twitter allows him to be an ass in new and exciting ways. It also works as a pretty solid little satire of all the public figures who use Twitter in ways that suggest that they too are arrogant, superficial asses.
None of this is to argue that Gary Trudeau actually likes Twitter. On the contrary, he seems to have as much contempt for it as any other newspaper cartoonist. It's just that he knows the best way to satirize it is to actually take it seriously and integrate it into his fictional world. The barbs are more likely to stick that way.
Marmaduke: Anything else on your agenda today, Marm?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Marmaduke: You always take her side.

I'm not sure I have enough readers to actually do this, but I'm tempted to open these Marmaduke family shenanigans up to the floor for alternate captions, Dysfunctional Family Circus style. Any takers?
There are three things in life which are certain...
Monday, June 22, 2009
Family Circus: If two wrongs don't make a right, how come two odds make an even?

And he showed such promise at one time.
Hi and Lois: Hey! Mom left her book.

This is, of course, what happens when women start working outside the home.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Family Circus and Frank and Ernest: Map of Oh-Pun Country

Given just how low a bar The Family Circus has set, it might come as a surprise to some that it's not actually the worst comic in the comics section. That honor instead goes to Frank and Ernest.

However bad The Family Circus might be (which is pretty fucking bad), it's not so bad I can't make fun of it. Frank and Ernest is.
9 Chickweed Lane: I'll console myself with your great legs.
Adam @ Home: Don't tell me we're out of coffee.
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