Saturday, May 1, 2010
Hi and Lois: Who's that?!

Blondie: Look, people are growing their own food in "recession gardens" to beat the economy.

Friday, April 30, 2010
F Minus and Close to Home: Okay, Rico. You skipped a duck. I'm very impressed.

F Minus has been very good lately, by the way. In the event you don't read it already, you should probably make a point to start doing so.
Pluggers: A plugger's comfort food is anything consumed on his recliner.
Marmaduke: Do you suppose you could rest your head someplace else while I read the newspaper.
Family Circus: Our seeds will NEVER grow! Jeffy keeps breathing on them.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Family Circus: Today it's MY plants' turn to be on the windowsill in th sun.

F Minus: Douglas! Those days are over!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Marmaduke: Just go help find Mr. Fuzzy or we'll never get any sleep!
Family Circus: Guess what, Daddy! We're gonna have our own garden this summer!

Bill, on the other hand, despises happiness and wishes his son would die.
Dennis the Menace: You said I was the "man of the house" while Dad's away, so I ordered a pizza!

Yes, things are changing quickly in Menaceville. Things are changing quickly, indeed.
BC: My mother-in-law is coming for dinner tonight.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Adam @ Home: World cup, huh?

So, in short, this comic's hilarious because Adam's all of a sudden a barely functioning idiot. Ha ha!
Candorville: Didn't you go to Tonga, Clyde?

A humorous tonal shift from time to time doesn't hurt, either.
Mallard Fillmore: I'm thinking it's about time the "others" got their fair share of the ol' identity politics pie...
Family Circus: I'll grow WATERMELONS and PUMPKINS.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Moderately Confused: I can't sleep.
Sally Forth: Monday
Family Circus: You better watch it, PJ. Someday you'll be old enough to know better.

Sunday, April 25, 2010
FoxTrot: I have no floppy drive.

GD: While the Fox family characters have grown and evolved over their story arcs, they haven’t aged. Jason sometimes seems a bit older than his 10 years, but he’s still young enough to be wrapped up in the things he’s always loved without having outgrown them. As a result, you’ve got a character who played with original Star Wars toys but was still a kid when the prequels came out; who donned a costume for The Lord of the Rings movies; and who recently fell in love with Avatar, all without ever having had to grow up. Frankly, I’m a little jealous. Did you ever wonder if it was time to age the characters to reflect the real world?
BA: Jason has also gotten to see every movie for the past 22 years at the child’s ticket price. We cartoonists have to watch our budgets, you know. One of the advantages comic strip kids have over, say, kids in TV sitcoms, is the actors don’t age and mess everything up. When I created FoxTrot, I picked the kids’ ages for specific reasons and to create specific dynamics between them. Aging the characters wouldn’t necessarily be “bad,” but it would change everything, and I’m not inclined to do that. Besides, on a selfish level, I like getting to view the world through the excitable eyes of a nerdy 10-year-old as part of my job.
Beetle Bailey: Burrppppppppppppp.

Blondie: I sure appreciate this little favor, Herb.

- Why does Herb always have to pee? Doesn't he watch Wheel of Fortune?* Hasn't he seen all those Flomax ads?
- What naturalistic exposition!**
- Why does Dagwood keep asking Herb to do him favors? Why does Dagwood even consider Herb a friend? Herb is a terrible person.
- Ha! Men! They can't ever remember things that are important to their loved ones!
**Not really!
Pickles: That's my boy!
Family Circus: And God bless...

And poor stupid Jeffy, whose only true desire had been to please his harsh and demanding father, took the words to heart. Now of course, his only true desire is the flesh of innocent victims, because once you get the taste, there's no turning back. But this cartoon shows that there was once hope for the little douche before the demons of Keaneville took their savage toll.